Sunday 14 August 2011

Off t' Kaieteur :)

Today we visited Kaieteur, which is a waterfall on the Potaro River in central Guyana. The waterfall is the largest single drop waterfall with a height of 251 metres. The Potaro river empties into the Essequibo, which is one of the longest and widest rivers in South America.

It was discovered by Charles Barrington Brown in 1870, who was a British geologist appointed as a surveyor to the colony of British Guiana (Guyana),

According to the Patamona Indian legend, Kaieteur was named after a chief who acted to save his people by paddling over the falls in an act of self-sacrifice to Makonaima (the great spirit). Another legend, told by Amerindians, is that is named after an unpleasant old man who was placed in a boat and shoved over the edge by his relatives. As Kaieteur means ‘old man falls’,

Hannah, Claire, Elizabeth, Nikki and I took on the task of viewing the falls for the team. We had an early start at 7am (this is early for some of our team!), and got on our way to the airport. Joining our group, we also had a group of Canadians of Guyanese descent visiting relatives for a holiday,

We got rushed through the VIP/Diplomat line, got patted down by security and then were ushered into the Roraima Airways executive lounge. There were free biscuits and drinks! Everything a travelling Guider needs!!

Once the pilot was ready, we were escorted to our plane and our adventure began, From this point I do not believe words can capture what fun we had, and the true beauty of the falls – so I will leave this to the photographs taken by the team. Enjoy!

Roraima Executive Lounge

Our private plane awaits!

We had a stowaway Canadian in the mix
Charity - acting co-pilot for the trip!

The view from the plane as we approached
Picture with the pilot

And where is the Girlguides view???!!! 

Ahhh here is the Girlguides view :)
Golden Dart Frog (very poisonous!)
Walking through the Amazon Rainforest.

Rainbow view...whats next Brownies??

Acting like Rainbows at Rainbow view :)

Top of the falls

Top of the falls

Wondering if we can go for a paddle?

More top of the falls pictures :)

Basking along the Potaro River

View down the valley

At the end of our long trek, regretting that we carried our rucksacks.......

And when we got back, Sara had done all the housework and made yorkshire pudding mix.

Its now time to plan our last day, which will be an evaluation of the project and then to plan our souvenier hunting techniques!

Hoped you have enjoyed listening to our exploration of Guyana.

OUT (no over).

Lizzy x

1 comment:

  1. Just been working my way through your blog and it looks like a fantastic experience!
    Hannah - I expect lots of photos and stories when you come back ready for your next big challenge!
    Hope you have a good last few days and journey home!
    Cathy xx
