Saturday 13 August 2011

Camping in Guyana

We have just returned from a very busy but exciting few days on camp. We were very lucky and where we were camping was near a creek so we were able to bathe in the creek. We also ran some games in the creek which the girls loved, a particular favourite was singing get loose and funky chicken in the water.

Some of the girls had never been camping so we ran a wide range of activities during the camp. We did some sessions on camp skills and taught the girls how to make tripods, pitch tents (although added interest was were were pitching on sand and not all poles and pegs were there) and carry out a flag ceremony. We also ran wide games and lots of team building games as well as crafts. We also did some basic first aid skills with the girls which they really enjoyed, this was required from an activity we ran one evening called a blood trail, where the girls had to follow a trial of red wool to an alien crash scene, they then had to look after the casualties. This resulted in a lot of laughter but unfortunately not a lot of first aid skills so we thought a session on basic first aid would be good.

One of the main activities that the girls loved was the campfire on the final evening. We also had lots and lots of fun teaching the girls new songs although it was quite emotional singing Linger especially being our last night on camp and coming to the end of our project.

Camp was fantastic, it was a fab place to camp and the activities we organised and ran seemed to be very popular with the girls and a great mix of team, active, craft and learning new skills as well as making new friends, exactly what a guide camp should be :)

Tomorrow we have a day off before finishing and project evaluation.


  1. I didn't know anyone camped in Guyana...thought there was danger from snakes and such. No?

  2. Hi, sorry for a late reply. As with camping anywhere there is a danger element whether its snakes, wind or the occasioanl girl guide! We were on a designated camp ground that looks to have very well used so snakes probably know to avoid the area for fear of being trampled.

  3. can i get a location and contact information to have a camp out at this camping ground ....thk you veyry much
