Monday 15 August 2011

Final day of project

Today was our final day of our GOLD project and evaluation day. We had done our preparation yesterday afternoon so this morning (before going to Guide HQ) we went into town to buy resources for evaluation, we mainly needed paper, threads and beads, bracelet making time :)

Time for one last 'Funky Chicken'
The main objective for evaluation was to find out what was enjoyed, what needed to be improved on and their ideas for the future GOLD projects in Guyana. We had five aspects to the product so looked at five areas of evaluation and feedback:
1) Charity/Environmental preparation
2) Handbook preparation and idea exploration
3) Charity and the Environmental project
4) Writing the Handbook
5) Camp

As well as discussing these we also all made a bracelet using three colours of beads:
Purple - Favourite memories
Yellow - what we have learnt during the project
Green - Hopes for the future of GOLD in Guyana.

The girls were able to make friendship bracelets but had to 'earn' beads through memories about the project. It was so lovely to hear about the moments they remembered and what they had learnt during our time here. We have all had such a fab time and have learnt so much being here and are so pleased with seeing how much fun the girls we have worked with have had and how they have gained so much from GOLD.

This evening we invited the Guyana GOLD team and the leaders over for a chilled evening with pizza, it has been a lovely relaxed way to say thankyou for all their hardwork and to have fun with them before saying goodbye. Everyone we have met has been so lovely and great to work with it has been an amazing experience.
Sara with Annie showing off her new Guyanese tshirt at our pizza party
Pizza party
Now our mini party is over it is time to turn to tidying and packing, tomorrow morning we have a little time for our last minuite looking around Georgetown (we will find that geocache) before half the group leave for a couple of days tour (leaving Guyana on Sunday) and the rest of the group are leaving on Wednesday so it is very sadly goodbye GOLD Guyana.

This is likely to be the last post from Guyana so many thanks to all for reading, thank you to everyone in Guyana and UK for your support and see you all back in the UK soon.

Love from
Guyana GOLD team 2011

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