Saturday 30 July 2011

Week 1 of trainings

Wow, that went quickly, can't believe we have finished our first week of trainings. It was been
a good week, we are all settling in, adjusting to the heat, getting used to the Mozzy bites but are all having a fantastic time.

The first couple of days we did sessions on the Environment, preparing for our trip to Charity next week. We had been asked to do some environmental trainings in Charity but we were able to plan the details with the girls going. There were some good ideas so our trip to Charity should be fab. We are leaving on Tuesday (Monday is a National Holiday) and having a bus and ferry ride (Sara laughs when she tells us we're going by ferry so not sure what it entitles!)

The last couple of days we have been working on the handbook, Working with the girls and looking at what needs to go into it. We have a good basis for the chapters and the questions they would like to be asked so when we are back from Charity we will continue to work with the Guyanese GOLD team to start writing. This week we have been working with the GOLD team, the Environmental team and the Environmental field team so have been working with about 20 girls every day which has been fab, everyone seems to be having fun learning new activities and games and yesterday we were taught us some Guyanese games. The designs and plans for the handbook are also coming along nicely. Quite exciting to know we will have helped make that happen along with all the girls over the last week.

Outside trainings we have visited the Cathedral (St George's) so was a little strange to see the St. George's/English flag up. Hannah was particularly excited as the Cathedral is a timber construction. The interior of the Cathedral had a very Tudor feel to it. We also visited the Guyanese National Museum which has quite an eclectic mix of exhibits. As it is being renovated we weren't able to see it all but the geography and maps section was quite cool.

We have tried Gnipes, similar to lychee but not prickly, some of the team members have tried Plantane and Claire has tried Pumpkin. All seemed to have positive results and are back on the shopping list. It has been requested that we include some of our recipes in our blog so we will create a post for our recipes.

Last night we were invited with Annie (one of the Guyanese Young Leaders) to join her at steel band practice. It was a lot of fun, we were all able to have a go, varying degrees of success. Think we can all play a rolling C major scale though :). We then joined the group for some food afterwards, it was fab to go out and chat. The band were very welcoming.

Annie with Charity
Claire at Steel Band

 Today is our only Saturday off so tour guide Lizzy has organised a trip to the swimming pool centre which sounds fun, although sat here writing this there is quite heavy rain outside, although it is still hot so welcome trip to the pool.


  1. Hi Liz, mum still can't find the bloggspot page. Was going to move the caches early am today (after nights) but, forgot the gps. Been looking at benches for the campsite. Hope you enjoyed the steel band practice. Dad. Ps change user name, this one ok?

  2. Hey Dad,

    Much better username indeed!!! We did enjoy the steel band, I played the bass as usual. We then went out with the band for pizza, it was nice to socialise with everyone :)

