Tuesday 26 July 2011

Arrived in Guyana

What a very busy but exciting couple of days and as we now have access to some internet we can tell you about it.

We met up at Gatwick on Saturday afternoon to ensure we were all present and ready for our Sunday morning flight. Sunday we made it through check in and then breakfast before boarding the plane. Journey went as planned and all of us and Charity (our bear mascot, complete with matching hoodie (thanks Hannah's mum) and passport (fab Lizzy)) arrived in Barbados. The heat was quite a shock but very excited for the start of our GOLD adventure. We had a quick trip to the beach, some food and then an early nights sleep as we have to be up at 5am to head to the plane.
This wasn't much of a problem as we are partly on UK time so were up in plenty of time.

The plane to Guyana was tiny, and made it through check-in to find Berle (deputy chief commissioner of Guyanese Girlguiding) waiting for us. Fantastic :) Bus trip to the flat, quick look around before heading to the bank to change money and then off to Guiding HQ. Here we met with Sarah (the chief commissioner) and sat down to work out the plan and schedule for our project. Very exciting having a plan and some aims. For the next couple of days we are meeting the Guyanese team and planning the sessions for the environmental part of the project in Charity.

Lizzy and Elizabeth cooked our first meal, Eggplant and Plantane fritters, very tasty. We then did some session planning before bed.

Today we have met some of the Guyanese team. They are lovely, very enthusiastic, it's going to be fun working with them. We have planned some of what we plan to do in Charity. The main goals are awareness and education of the guides regarding the environment. Tomorrow we will look in more detail at the session plans.

It is incredibly hot here, but Guide HQ has a nice breeze running through it. Will take a little while getting used to this heat. We haven't had much chance to explore Georgetown but have experienced the Market and the buses, both quite crazy experiences. Fab.

Right off to do some session planning and dinner preparation. We will try and get some pictures up tomorrow but things have started and are going well :)


  1. Hi Liz, glad that you and your gang made it ok. "Gold Guyanan night" at guides tonight. Will look for mores posts tomorrow. Did you find the cache in Barbados. Dad.

  2. Hi Hannah
    Glad you all arrived OK. Enjoy your time there. Have you hidden the gecko yet? Love Mum and Ray.
