Saturday 25 June 2011

3rd Briefing

Wow, our final briefing. Time seems to have flown by and in four weeks time we will all be sitting in the airport at Gatwick sharing resources and packing.

So that means we need to be super productive this weekend and we are being. Today we have spent most of the day sat in the HQ in Bath writing many plans for our activities. The main aims for our project are to help create a handbook for the guides, activities on the environment, leadership and camp skills. Sara and Nikki also did some finance sorting and opened our account. Definitely feeling more real.

We have an amazing to do list, which consists of a to do list covered in post it's and a done list where everything gets stuck when achieved. Each sheet has a picture so removing post it's reveal a picture. Picture shown below to convey the excitement.

As well as lots planning we have eaten lots of biscuits (seems to help the planning) and had a quick wander into the beautiful Bath. This involved fudge and old sweets and resisting the temptation to buy beads and craft supplies ;)

Tonight is a little relaxing and maybe pictionary before more planning tomorrow. Our resources are looking very exciting and can't wait to run some of the sessions, although probably need to remember camp gadgets (maybe time tomorrow as Sara as brought the wood and string).

Definitely feeling more prepared and very excited. Go Team Guyana.

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