Friday 25 February 2011


Our badge has been designed, so we are waiting for them to be costed and made. The badge will appear here once they have been made. We are very excited :)

Edited - Badges have arrived and look fab. Yay :)

Sunday 13 February 2011

First Briefing

Uniform, badges, teams, roles and fundraising, just a couple of the many topics discussed during our first briefing weekend.

We have just returned home from a fab first briefing at Linnet Clough Scout Park, it was a fun filled, action packed weekend. It was a great opportunity to get to know our team and the other GOLD groups better as well as learning more about the project, what we will be doing during our time in Guyana and also what we need to be doing now. We are all busy fundraising so look out for more information about our events and badges (which we will be selling).

As well as working hard, team building was key this weekend so many games were played including a particularly good game of pictionary (we are practicing for evening entertainment during our project or maybe resource/activity ideas while we are there). One of the entertaining highlights was of course Sara dressed as Mr Blobby in order to show how great British TV has been over the last years (is that the best we could find!!!) Oh and we did win blockbusters :)

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Hello and welcome to our blog.

We are:
Sara, Claire, Lizzy, Liz, Nikki and Hannah.

We are a group of Girlguiding UK members (all volunteering with different units across the UK) who have been selected to travel to Guyana in the summer of 2011. We will spend a month living and working alongside the Guyana Girlguides to produce resources, lead training's and help at the first National camp. The topic for the resources will be focussed on an environmental theme to promote this with members in Guyana.

We are all very excited to undertake this project and hope this blog will show our progress and experiences.

Thanks for reading and supporting.